Monday, May 18, 2009

Prevent Snoring - By Changing Your Lifestyle

If you have swollen tonsils or adenoids, it can mean that you are more likely to Snore. The reason for this is because when you breathe in whilst you are asleep, your tonsils or adenoids vibrate - the more the vibration, the louder the snoring. If a child's tonsils are swollen, the child is much more likely to snore. If your nose is blocked this can also cause you to snore.

The older you get, the more likely you are to snore. This is because when you are asleep, your muscles will relax more than they did when you were younger. As the muscles in your throat relax, the air passage narrows and, when you breathe in and out this causes a vibration (in other words, a snore).

A multitude of solutions are on offer to help prevent snoring. These include practically every kind of devise that can be thought of. Weird and wonderful contraptions are on offer which promise to stop snorers from making a noise whilst they sleep, but often a simpler solution such as using extra pillows or elevating the top of the bed are the best way forward.

Drinking alcohol causes muscles to relax which can result in snoring. As alcohol can also induce deep sleep, it can make what starts as a minor problem escalate into something much worse. If you are overweight you are also more likely to snore so there is a lot to be said for maintaining a healthy lifestyle and limiting your intake of alcohol.

Most people who snore are blissfully unaware of the noise they are making, but it can cause a major problem for their partner who will sometimes think they are trying to get to sleep in a mainline railway station. The unlucky person is usually just dropping off to sleep when their partner ensures they will have a disturbed night by emitting a very loud snore.

Things that cause people to snore are not usually too serious, but swollen tonsils or adenoids can require medical treatment. A condition called sleep apnoea is, in fact, life threatening as it means that you sometimes actually stop breathing when you are asleep. It stands to reason that a condition like this can prove to be fatal.

If you are thinking of paying a visit to your doctor to discuss why you snore, then be prepared for the fact that a miracle cure will not be on offer. Your doctor will probably check to ensure that your tonsils and adenoids are not swollen but, apart from that, there is little they can do as snoring is not recognised as a medical condition.

Unbelievable as it may sound, snoring may play a part when a relationship breaks down. Lack of sleep over a long period of time can affect even the strongest bond between two people and can lead to increasing arguments. In today's busy world, sleepless nights can cause problems at work as well as at home and can lead to increased stress levels.

Natural Snoring Cures - Clinically proven to work