Monday, June 1, 2009

Do You Snore? Try These Snoring Solutions

Trying to find a solution for snoring has been occupying a lot of people for many years. Women tend to snore a lot less than men, however whether you are male or female the chances are that, as you get older, you will snore a lot more. This is because age weakens throat muscles and, as they become weaker, you are more likely to snore.

When you are awake, you can hold your jaw forward naturally. When you are asleep, your muscles relax and this means that the base of your tongue can move against the back of your throat this causes you to snore. Numerous companies offer snoring solutions like chin straps which are designed to help provide an effective solution to snoring.

One of the simplest solutions to reducing the risk of snoring is to try and sleep on your side if you roll onto your back you are much more likely to snore. Various companies offer devices such as specialist pillows to encourage you to sleep on your side. Another encouragement is a sharp dig in the ribs from your partner who is trying to get to sleep. Its surprising how effective this can be!!

Whilst adultery and money problems are usually seen as the main causes of marriage breakdown, snoring has also been cited as one example of unreasonable behaviour. Whilst this may seem rather trivial, it can play a major role in the breakdown of a relationship. If one partner is continually unable to sleep, this can lead to so many problems which suddenly seem insurmountable.

A simple solution for snoring is to look at your lifestyle. Make a few changes and you could find a cure (as well as helping you achieve a more healthy way of living). Obesity is one of the major factors contributing to snoring so why not take the plunge and lose that weight. Losing weight will not only make you feel better, it will also help your partner who wont be disturbed by you snoring at night.

Some of the solutions marketed to help you stop snoring include nasal sprays and nasal strips. If you are snoring because your nose is blocked as you are suffering from a cold or flu then a decongestant medicine can help. Your posture can also determine whether you are more likely to snore so it may also be worth investing in an anti-snoring pillow.

Whilst there are some common reasons why people snore (and therefore some common solutions), research has found that what provides a solution for one person may not work for someone else. There is no single reason why we snore, but there are a lot of contributory factors. Whilst individuals can deal with things that can contribute to why they snore (and so reduce their chance of snoring), there is no cast-iron cure.

A medical condition called sleep apnea can result in snoring. This condition means that a persons breathing is interrupted whilst they are asleep they therefore breathe unevenly, sometime taking deep gulps of air which can cause sudden snores. Although it is a common condition, especially in men, it can be serious and should be discussed with a medical professional.

You can stop snoring you just need the Snoring Cure that's right for you.