Friday, May 8, 2009

What Anti Snoring Devices Are Available

Snoring is a worldwide issue, which affects people of all ages and those who have to share a bed with them even more. Remedies for snoring can either be simple, complex or ridiculous, with the final resort being surgery on the inside of the nose or the throat.

You are likely to look swollen-faced and have 2 black eyes for some time after the surgery, and your face will be sore, but if it works it will have been worth it otherwise you could get 2 black eyes from by your partner who has been driven to the brink of insanity by the noise of your snoring.

More men snore more then women, and snorers themselves suffer even though they are deaf to the dreadful row they are making, as without realising it, they are waking up many times during the night when their breathing is restricted, which means the quality of their sleep is poor and they wake up in the morning tired and groggy and feeling as if they haven't slept at all.

There are many Anti Snoring Devices and Remedies to snoring available over the counter or on the Internet, but it is a good idea to try and work out whether the sufferer is snoring through their mouth or through their nose before you go off and order something.

You will need to observe the snorer when they are asleep to decide whether they are a mouth or nose snorer; if the mouth is closed but they are still making a noise than they are a nose snorer and their nasal passages are partially blocked.

Remedies for snoring in nose snorers are items such as nasal strips and dilators for the nostrils; he will look very silly, but who cares about that. If he snores because he insists on falling asleep supine, use your elbows to poke him in the ribs or sew a tennis ball into the back of his pyjamas.

Next we come to the other kinds of snorer, mouth snorers. These are the seriously noisy ones that you can hear several bedrooms away that sound like a mad hippopotamus on the rampage; mouth snorers fall asleep with their mouth open and the loose jaw flesh and tongue base fall back into the throat, partially obstructing the airway and causing the tissues of the mouth to vibrate.

Some of the reasons behind mouth snoring include overindulging in alcohol before you go to bed or smoking cigarettes or cigars, and putting on a lot of weight and becoming obese can also be a factor, although there is a condition called sleep apnoea which causes snoring because the sufferer stops breathing momentarily while asleep.

Discover effective Snoring Cures that work - Guaranteed