Monday, April 13, 2009

Will An Anti Snore Device Help Me?

Every one agrees the noise a snorer makes can drive you insane. Living or lying next to a snorer can be a living hell. Night after night of interrupted sleep can leave you so desperate you'd take your partners mouth shut if you thought you'd get away with it! The good news it that anti snore devices have come a long way and can be very effective if used correctly.

Although some people still take desperate action it's not really necessary these days. The choice of snoring aid available is truly staggering from pieces of tape, snoring pillows, chin straps and forced ventilation systems. Before spending your hard earned cash though it's worth trying a few simple remedies that have been shown to work.

Sleeping on your back has been shown to make snoring worse so take a good look at your bed. Is the mattress sagging and causing you to move into the middle and get a disturbed nights sleep? If so invest in a new mattress it may be all you need. Eliminating alcohol (or reducing the amount you drink) can also help as alcohol will tend to give you a restless nights sleep and causes the muscles in your throat to relax making the snoring worse.

If after trying the simple solutions the noise is not much improved then what? Which treatment do you go for? It's possible to spend a small fortune on snoring devices and gadgets a lot of which are all totally useless. What worked for me was a chin strap. This is a device that goes under your chin and helps to keep your mouth closed therefore preventing the snoring.

It worked for me. Not 100% but I got an 80% improvement in noise levels (according to my wife). The device is comfortable to wear and will fit all shapes and sizes.

Will it work for you? I have no idea! The research suggests it'll work for most people and because it's inexpensive I believe it's worth a shot.

Take the first step to getting a great nights sleep take a look at the best Anti Snore device availible today.