Friday, July 30, 2010

Usual and Unusual Ways to Stop Snoring

by admin on 29. Jul, 2010 in Nozovent

What I’ll describe in below is a comprehensive list of all the standard medical, surgical, and over-the-counter options that you’ll hear and read about. If you see one that I’ve left out, please let me know and I’ll give you my opinion. Remember, many of these devices (with a few exceptions) only cover up the snoring, without treating the real cause. If you try a variety of these options to find no relief, it’s time to see your medical doctor or a sleep specialist for a formal evaluation and treatment. Not doing so can cost you more than your sleep. It can cause you to lose your life.

Medical Options For Snoring

Note: Many of the procedures below, although effective for snoring, are never 100 successful. Success rates range from 70% to 95%. There is also a small chance of relapse even if initially successful.

Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP): This option may be overkill, and you’ll need to pay for it out of pocket if you don’t officially have obstructive sleep apnea. But it does work, if you can get used to it.

Dental devices: There are multiple options with this type of treatment, with the formal mandibular advancement devices that are made by dentists. These devices pulls your tongue forward by pulling your lower jaw forward. There are many different models that all have various features that make it more likely to work depending on your anatomy. Different dentists have different preferences as well. A less expensive way to “test” whether or not these devices may work is to try one of the many over-the-counter (or over-the-internet) boil-and-bite models. These devices are softened in hot boiling water and the set as you softly clench down while simultaneously pushing your jaw forward.

Laser Assisted Uvulo-Palatplasty (LAUP): A laser is used to trim the free edge of the soft palate. It’s somewhat painful, and usually must be performed 2-3 times. It can be performed in the doctor’s office, and is relatively expensive.

Injection Snoreplasty: Any type of scarring agent (sodium tetradecyl sulfate, ethanol, etc.) can be injected just underneath the mucous membrane of the soft palate. Must be performed 2-3 times for maximum effectiveness, is less painful in general, and is the least expensive.

Pillar Procedure: Three thin woven braided polyester rods are inserted inside the muscle layer of the soft palate. It’s usually performed under local anesthesia and is one of the least painful. Typically, only one treatment is needed, and is most expensive.

Uvulopalatopharyngplasty (UPPP): Usually used for obstructive sleep apnea, but very effective for snoring. In general, it’s only about 40% successful for obstructive sleep apnea.

Some Unusual Ways to Stop Snoring

Note: All the options listed below, although not proven to help snorers on a consistent basis, have been reported to work at least some times in some people. Most of the reports are anecdotal, with no objective supportive data. One major problem is that if it works, it may only delay diagnosing and treating any underlying obstructive sleep apnea.

Tennis balls: For some people, staying off your back can make a big difference. The problem is staying on your back. The most common recommendation is to sew a sock filled with a tennis ball to the back of your pajamas. This method has mixed results, and in general, although it sounds great, doesn’t work that well. It just only annoys the snorer or they just sleep on top of it.

Sleep position devices: There are a number of gadgets and devices that prevents you from rolling onto your back. They range from triangular wedges to shirts filled with foam rods to prevent sleeping on your back. The only way to know whether or not they work is to  try it. For some people, it can make a huge difference, even if you have obstructive sleep apnea. For many others, you may have a mixed response, or no response at all.

Side sleep position pillows: This one positions your arm above your head and somehow forces you to sleep on your side. Again, I’ve heard mixed responses from my patients. If you can sleep with your arm above your head for hours without it becoming numb, then this may work for you.

“Contour” pillows: This pillow works better if you prefer to sleep on your back. The lower end of this pillow is a bit higher than the middle part that the top of your head touches. This forces your head to be cocked back a bit, lifting up your chin somewhat, thereby opening up your airway somewhat. This the the same maneuver that you’re taught to do during CPR to open up the airway before you give mouth-to-mouth. Notice that after you fluff up your pillow you go to bed, the pillow height diminishes slowly, and by the end of the night, your chin is closer to your head, which closes your airway. Another option is to either roll up a towel into a “log” or get one of the Asian husk-filled pillows that are shaped like a roll. You’ll have to experiment to find the right height.

Diet and weight loss: This will help to various degrees for most people who are overweight, but what if you’re already thin? Also, since poor sleep leads to weight gain hormonally and metabolically, it can be very difficult to lose weight no natter how much you diet or exercise. For some, losing 10-15 pounds may help a great deal with your snoring, but chances are, it’ll return sooner or later as you get older.

Nasal dilator clips: Whether external (Breathe-Rite) or internal (Nozovent, Nasal Cones, or Breathewitheez), these work sometimes by pulling your soft flimsy nostrils apart, preventing nostril collapse when you inhale. During sleep, especially when your muscles relax, any degree of nasal congestion can aggravate higher vacuum pressures that can aggravate tongue collapse. Despite being touted to cure snoring, it only works about 10% of the time. Here’s one simple test to see if you should invest any money on these products: take both you index fingers and gently press on your skin, right next to your nostrils. Press gently and pull your cheeks apart on each side towards the outer corners of the eyes. This is called the Cottle maneuver.

Wind instruments: Playing any type of wind instrument (flute, clarinet, trumpet, etc.) can in theory promote throat and tongue muscle tone. Reports of success are anecdotal.

Playing the Didgeridoo: Various studies have suggested that playing this ancient Aborigine wind instrument can help relieve snoring. The mechanism in how it works is similar to any wind instrument.

Singing: The mechanical act of singing promotes profound throat muscle tone and control. Similar to all the wind instruments, prolonged periods of singing promotes relaxation, since exhalation is activated by your parasympathetic nervous system.

Tongue Exercises: Has been found to be helpful for some people, but needs continuous exercises.

Throat sprays: Various mixtures of herbs and natural ingredients are promoted for snoring, but a recent objective study showed that they were not helpful.

Acupuncture: No consistent evidence, but helps with stress and fatigue.

Bedpartner’s elbow: Works to wake you up to stop snoring, but never curative. This is called the “bruised rib syndrome”.

Electronic devices that wake you up when you snore: More expensive than a bedpartner elbowing you in the ribs.

Ear plugs for the bedpartner: May help the bedpartner sleep, but not very effective for the very low-frequency snoring vibrations.

Sleeping in another room: Usually alleviates the problem, but bad for relationships, and not very helpful for “heroic” snorers where the sounds vibrate the bedroom walls 2-3 rooms down.

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Monday, October 19, 2009

Can A Jaw Supporter Help Me Stop Snoring?

Many companies offer advice on what they promise will be a snoring remedy. These cures range from simple recommendations about changing your lifestyle to buying expensive pieces of equipment. Some companies even recommend that a surgical operation will cure the problem. Whatever snoring remedy you decide on, you need to research it carefully.

There are numerous pieces of equipment designed as snoring remedies. One such device is a mandibular Jaw Supporter. A number of companies manufacture these jaw supports and claim that if you wear one during the night, your snoring will stop. There is, scientific reasoning behind the claim and it may well be that a mandibular jaw support provides the answer to your problem.

You know what its like you are just dropping off to sleep when suddenly you shoot out of bed yes, its your husband and he has started to snore again. Many people compare the sound to that of a chain saw and would give anything to find a snoring remedy. If you are one of the people who suffer from sleepless nights because of this then you need to do something about it.

If you are one of the very many people who are searching high and low for a snoring remedy then a very simple solution may be at hand. A number of companies now manufacture chin straps which mean that your partners mouth will not fall open whilst he or she is asleep. As a result of this, they will not snore and you will be able to sleep peacefully and wake up refreshed.

One snoring remedy which may prove effective is a special kind of anti snoring pillow. These pillows are widely available, either over the internet or in high street shops, and can provide a welcome relief from the problem. The pillows can also help if you suffer from neck or back pain as they tend to be much more supportive of your neck.

It has been estimated that the majority of married people are, at one time or another, kept awake by the sound of their husband or wife snoring during the night. Many companies have seen this gap in the market as a business opportunity and now offer what they promise will be a snoring remedy it could be a special type of pillow or jaw support.

A number of medical establishments now offer surgery which they claim will provide a snoring remedy. If you are thinking about such a course of action, it is well worth doing a great deal of research. Such operations can prove costly as it is unlikely that they will be covered by the National Health Service so you need to think long and hard before you agree.

Numerous options are offered these days which claim to provide a snoring remedy but the solution to this problem could be much more simple than you think. If you are overweight, smoke and do not drink enough water, you are more likely to snore than someone who lives a more healthy lifestyle.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Snoring Remedies - Stop Problem Snoring

Snoring is such a familiar concept, and the butt of so much mockery, its hard to believe that it can be the cause of so much discomfort and misery. And many of the problems, of course, are not experienced by the snorer at all, but by their hapless bed partner.

As with all muscle groups, those around the throat, active and in use in the waking hours, relax in sleep, allowing the airways to be partially blocked by soft tissue. These in turn vibrate, producing the noise of snoring. Many people will be sensitive to the idea that they may be snoring, resisting their partners assertions.

Getting the right kind of help to stop snoring depends on the reason that you snore, and there are many. Being overweight, particularly carrying extra weight around the neck can constrict the airways at night. This tends to be a problem area for men and post-menopausal women.

Inevitably, drugs whose effects include relaxing of muscles can be a cause or contributory factor in snoring. This can be the case with sleeping tablets and, of course, alcohol. Alcohol increases the likelihood of snoring in other ways too, raising the risk of congestion, and irritating the delicate lining of the nasal passages.

Naturally cigarette smoke has a very direct effect on the upper respiratory system, with distension and catarrh potential consequences. Reducing cigarette and alcohol consumption can be both physically, psychologically and socially challenging, but any reduction will give the body a chance of holding its own against these poisons, and avoiding them in the evening makes an opportunity allows the body some time to process them before sleeping.

One of the most easily solved factors in snoring is sleeping on your back. Youre more likely to sleep with your mouth open in this position, so anti snoring devices which prompt you to sleep on your side, or with your head raised, may be all thats required to solve the problem.

A range of more sophisticated anti snoring devices has been developed to cure mouth breathing: oral shields block mouth breathing entirely, whilst lip supports and chin straps encourage the mouth to stay closed. Nasal strips to open the nostrils and promote the passage of air can be a useful partner to these.

Nasal stuffiness, sometimes linked with allergies, can be a cause of snoring. Reducing the stuffiness with steam inhalation before bedtime can be a help, as can seeking out the cause of the allergy. Common factors are dust mites, cigarette smoke, feather bedding and pets. If snoring is more than an occasional concern, finding the underlying cause can bring about considerable health benefits.

For more Snoring Remedies and information on how to get a great nights sleep please visit my Blog.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Anti Snoring Devices - What Are They?

There are many devices on the market which claim to help people stop snoring. One particular type of product is a gum shield known as a mandibular device. This is used to push the lower jaw forward which opens up the airway and stops the tongue vibrating against the back of your throat. This means that snoring will be minimised.

Suffering from a blocked nose at night can be very uncomfortable and can result in you snoring when you finally do fall asleep. Its common knowledge that you will probably have a blocked nose if you get a cold or flu and this is where a device called a nasal dilator can help open up your nasal passages.

If a person snores because they sleep with their mouth open, many companies offer a special device which is designed to help eliminate this problem. The device is a type of chin strap which is designed to keep a persons mouth closed whilst they sleep which will mean that they are much less likely to snore during the night.

People who suffer from a condition known as sleep apnea sometimes use a piece of equipment called a CPAP machine (continuous positive airway pressure). This piece of equipment keeps the airway open by using air pressure so that breathing whilst asleep continues normally. In extreme cases, its also used as a devise to stop people snoring.

Anti-snoring pillows are now widely available through both high street retailers and on the internet. These pillows act as a device to stop snoring by helping keep your airways open. This means that you are much less likely to snore. This type of pillow is also an orthopaedic aid as it will support your head and neck whilst you sleep.

There are lots of devices on the market which claim to help stop people snoring. However, rather than spending a lot of money trying these out, why not try something rather more simple? Just sew a pocket onto the back of your pyjamas, put a tennis ball in it and there you have it a device which will stop you sleeping on your back and so reduce the chances of you snoring.

If you are a persistent snorer, your partner is probably frantically searching for a device that will make you stop. In extreme cases and if nothing else has worked, surgery may offer a solution. However, unless you have a medical condition such as serious sleep apnea, surgery should be seen very much as a last resort.

Obesity and/or smoking are two of the major factors which increase the chances of you snoring. If you are overweight, your muscle tone will generally be poor. This means that your throat muscles will be weak and will vibrate more when you are asleep. If you smoke, your nasal passages are more likely to be blocked. So, rather than spending a fortune on advertised devices which will stop you snoring, you can probably cure yourself.

For a Free Stop Snoring guide please visit my blog.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Do You Snore? Try These Snoring Solutions

Trying to find a solution for snoring has been occupying a lot of people for many years. Women tend to snore a lot less than men, however whether you are male or female the chances are that, as you get older, you will snore a lot more. This is because age weakens throat muscles and, as they become weaker, you are more likely to snore.

When you are awake, you can hold your jaw forward naturally. When you are asleep, your muscles relax and this means that the base of your tongue can move against the back of your throat this causes you to snore. Numerous companies offer snoring solutions like chin straps which are designed to help provide an effective solution to snoring.

One of the simplest solutions to reducing the risk of snoring is to try and sleep on your side if you roll onto your back you are much more likely to snore. Various companies offer devices such as specialist pillows to encourage you to sleep on your side. Another encouragement is a sharp dig in the ribs from your partner who is trying to get to sleep. Its surprising how effective this can be!!

Whilst adultery and money problems are usually seen as the main causes of marriage breakdown, snoring has also been cited as one example of unreasonable behaviour. Whilst this may seem rather trivial, it can play a major role in the breakdown of a relationship. If one partner is continually unable to sleep, this can lead to so many problems which suddenly seem insurmountable.

A simple solution for snoring is to look at your lifestyle. Make a few changes and you could find a cure (as well as helping you achieve a more healthy way of living). Obesity is one of the major factors contributing to snoring so why not take the plunge and lose that weight. Losing weight will not only make you feel better, it will also help your partner who wont be disturbed by you snoring at night.

Some of the solutions marketed to help you stop snoring include nasal sprays and nasal strips. If you are snoring because your nose is blocked as you are suffering from a cold or flu then a decongestant medicine can help. Your posture can also determine whether you are more likely to snore so it may also be worth investing in an anti-snoring pillow.

Whilst there are some common reasons why people snore (and therefore some common solutions), research has found that what provides a solution for one person may not work for someone else. There is no single reason why we snore, but there are a lot of contributory factors. Whilst individuals can deal with things that can contribute to why they snore (and so reduce their chance of snoring), there is no cast-iron cure.

A medical condition called sleep apnea can result in snoring. This condition means that a persons breathing is interrupted whilst they are asleep they therefore breathe unevenly, sometime taking deep gulps of air which can cause sudden snores. Although it is a common condition, especially in men, it can be serious and should be discussed with a medical professional.

You can stop snoring you just need the Snoring Cure that's right for you.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Prevent Snoring - By Changing Your Lifestyle

If you have swollen tonsils or adenoids, it can mean that you are more likely to Snore. The reason for this is because when you breathe in whilst you are asleep, your tonsils or adenoids vibrate - the more the vibration, the louder the snoring. If a child's tonsils are swollen, the child is much more likely to snore. If your nose is blocked this can also cause you to snore.

The older you get, the more likely you are to snore. This is because when you are asleep, your muscles will relax more than they did when you were younger. As the muscles in your throat relax, the air passage narrows and, when you breathe in and out this causes a vibration (in other words, a snore).

A multitude of solutions are on offer to help prevent snoring. These include practically every kind of devise that can be thought of. Weird and wonderful contraptions are on offer which promise to stop snorers from making a noise whilst they sleep, but often a simpler solution such as using extra pillows or elevating the top of the bed are the best way forward.

Drinking alcohol causes muscles to relax which can result in snoring. As alcohol can also induce deep sleep, it can make what starts as a minor problem escalate into something much worse. If you are overweight you are also more likely to snore so there is a lot to be said for maintaining a healthy lifestyle and limiting your intake of alcohol.

Most people who snore are blissfully unaware of the noise they are making, but it can cause a major problem for their partner who will sometimes think they are trying to get to sleep in a mainline railway station. The unlucky person is usually just dropping off to sleep when their partner ensures they will have a disturbed night by emitting a very loud snore.

Things that cause people to snore are not usually too serious, but swollen tonsils or adenoids can require medical treatment. A condition called sleep apnoea is, in fact, life threatening as it means that you sometimes actually stop breathing when you are asleep. It stands to reason that a condition like this can prove to be fatal.

If you are thinking of paying a visit to your doctor to discuss why you snore, then be prepared for the fact that a miracle cure will not be on offer. Your doctor will probably check to ensure that your tonsils and adenoids are not swollen but, apart from that, there is little they can do as snoring is not recognised as a medical condition.

Unbelievable as it may sound, snoring may play a part when a relationship breaks down. Lack of sleep over a long period of time can affect even the strongest bond between two people and can lead to increasing arguments. In today's busy world, sleepless nights can cause problems at work as well as at home and can lead to increased stress levels.

Natural Snoring Cures - Clinically proven to work

Friday, May 8, 2009

What Anti Snoring Devices Are Available

Snoring is a worldwide issue, which affects people of all ages and those who have to share a bed with them even more. Remedies for snoring can either be simple, complex or ridiculous, with the final resort being surgery on the inside of the nose or the throat.

You are likely to look swollen-faced and have 2 black eyes for some time after the surgery, and your face will be sore, but if it works it will have been worth it otherwise you could get 2 black eyes from by your partner who has been driven to the brink of insanity by the noise of your snoring.

More men snore more then women, and snorers themselves suffer even though they are deaf to the dreadful row they are making, as without realising it, they are waking up many times during the night when their breathing is restricted, which means the quality of their sleep is poor and they wake up in the morning tired and groggy and feeling as if they haven't slept at all.

There are many Anti Snoring Devices and Remedies to snoring available over the counter or on the Internet, but it is a good idea to try and work out whether the sufferer is snoring through their mouth or through their nose before you go off and order something.

You will need to observe the snorer when they are asleep to decide whether they are a mouth or nose snorer; if the mouth is closed but they are still making a noise than they are a nose snorer and their nasal passages are partially blocked.

Remedies for snoring in nose snorers are items such as nasal strips and dilators for the nostrils; he will look very silly, but who cares about that. If he snores because he insists on falling asleep supine, use your elbows to poke him in the ribs or sew a tennis ball into the back of his pyjamas.

Next we come to the other kinds of snorer, mouth snorers. These are the seriously noisy ones that you can hear several bedrooms away that sound like a mad hippopotamus on the rampage; mouth snorers fall asleep with their mouth open and the loose jaw flesh and tongue base fall back into the throat, partially obstructing the airway and causing the tissues of the mouth to vibrate.

Some of the reasons behind mouth snoring include overindulging in alcohol before you go to bed or smoking cigarettes or cigars, and putting on a lot of weight and becoming obese can also be a factor, although there is a condition called sleep apnoea which causes snoring because the sufferer stops breathing momentarily while asleep.

Discover effective Snoring Cures that work - Guaranteed